Monday, February 8, 2010

Keeper or Tosser?

I am a Tosser - hands down! I love to get rid of stuff that we don't need/use/remember that we had. This time of year, I am itching for that first warm day, to open all the windows and start major clearing out. Okay, so I don't even usually wait. I have 3 bags of stuff right now waiting to go to Goodwill.

Nate is a keeper. He keeps EVERYTHING! He is getting a little better, but still hangs on to the weirdest things, thinking that maybe, just maybe, we will need it one day.

My theory is that if you don't use it, you wont miss it. I know that some things have sentimental value, but if they are so meaningful, then why are they in a box in your storage area. If you are not displaying something, then the memory of the item (or who it makes you think of) is better than the item itself.

In about 2 months, we have the annual Bloomington Garbage days, where you can put anything you want on the curb, and the city will take it away (well, everything that the scavengers don't get first). I already have my list of things that we will going out to our curb come April.

So what about you - are you a keeper or a tosser? Let us know by answering our poll in the top right corner.

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