So, I stayed up late one night - Almost until 10 - watch out party animal here- to make her scarf. My sewing machine was being a little crabby, and I almost gave up... but I really wanted to finish the scarf so she would wear it the next day.
Um- How cute is she?! Jeggings,a white t-shirt, side pony, and an infinity scarf. Ignore the shoveling of the banana into her mouth. Or the make-up brush of mine that she thinks is her toy. (If you notice, these are popping into most pictures... it is a trend at our house, and I need a solution for putting my brushes somewhere higher).
I wish I could say that she wore it all day. In fact, I wish I could say she wore it for 5 minutes. No such luck. As soon as the banana was gone, so was the scarf. So, I have sadly not gone back to the fabric store to stock up. But I have not given up on getting her to wear the scarf... I will try again!
PS- sorry for the blurry pictures. It is a combination of toddlers on the run, and toddler slobber on the lens of my phone camera. Nice huh?
Cute! Little fashionista.