Friday, November 9, 2012

8 Months

Henry and Zoey are 8 months old!!

I love little Z's smirk...

 We had two sick kids for the weekend and first half of this week.  They could not keep any food down.  At one point they threw up at the exact same time...twins?

They are more and more fun each month.  I love how they interact with each other.  Henry has started to take interest into whatever is in Z's hand... we might need to work on sharing. 

Dad wanted to get in on the action....

Kisses from Z (or maybe she is just teething on his face).  Nate - good thing you dont have any boogers :)

So curious

It melts my heart how much they love him and he loves them.  I love hearing him talking to them, and how hard they laugh at dad when he makes animal noises...

I think that this might be my favorite picture of Zoey. ever.

Henry biting Dad's head.... 

My boys...