Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Life Lately

Even though we have been trapped mainly inside this cold winter, we are still keeping busy... Henry and Zoey are really starting to become best friend... looking around the house for each other, talking to each other, and  actually playing together.  Of course they still get in fights, but we are working on sharing, and not hitting, you know - the usual. Some of you may have seen some of these pictures on instagram, but if not, below is what we have been up to lately.

What... you don't dance around in a diaper and hats... and maybe shoes?  Well, in this house it is pretty common. 

Pretending it is summer.. 

Making faces while at himself in the camera, while I try to give him a kiss

 The kids tried to sleep together the a few weeks ago.  It was really sweet for a few minutes, and then they were playing too much, and we had to separate them.  

Henry got a hair cut... bye bye curls... 

Zoey continues to be the best eater ever...

When we go to the indoor park by our house, Henry spends 90% of his time in the basketball court.... he is getting really good- for a 2 year old.  Yet, he refuses to use the small basketballs, and always gets hit in the face at least once.  

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